I've had lukewarm results with other Neutrogena face products in the past so I was a bit wary of getting this store-brand version. But for once I'd say I'm pleasantly surprised. I feel comfortable rubbing this stuff all over my face at the sink - no scrub beads to lose in my hairline! -and it takes off makeup pretty well. Like a lot of products it can leave my face a bit dry, but in a good way, if that makes sense. It feels like it dries out problem areas...and then I usually put on moisturizer, so it's all good.
I am happy with the other facial cleansers I presently use but wanted to try something more creamy, since I mostly have scrubs. The four products below are items I'd definitely recommend. (Stars are my top products.) And they offer quality for not a lot of cash.
By the way, my skin is normal though can get a bit dry and is slightly on the sensitive side.
*CVS Blackhead Clearing Scrub* (their version of Clean & Clear Blackhead Clearing Scrub)
$3.99 at CVS

Pond's Fresh Start, Daily Exfoliating Cleanser
$6.79 at Drugstore.com
Another creamy wash with microbeads but without salicylic acid. Instead this product says its "white tea and china clay enriched lather purifies skin, washing away environmental pollutants." I use it when I don't want to overload on salicylic acid, especially when planning to use a benzoyl peroxide spot treatment. I can't say for certain what special things this product does, but it doesn't irritate my skin, feels nice and provides a bit of invigorating exfoliation when I'm not in the mood to use a heavy exfoliant. It's a good, simple wash to keep in the medicine cabinet when you want to clean your face and get a move-on. Check out this review for more info.
*St. Ives Apricot Scrub*
$3.99 at Walgreens

Awesome. A great, oil-free scrub that always leaves my face feeling very invigorated and soft. I tend to use it once or twice a week in the shower. It is pretty rough so I could see it irritating very sensitive skin if used too frequently. But really, if you haven't tried this stuff you must.
Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask
$3.79 at Drugstore.com
$3.79 at Drugstore.com

Thoughts? Or products you might recommend?
Thanks for linking me! What a great site you've got here!
i tried the cvs fascial wash like the one you posted and somehow something must have gotten into my eyes, i thought i had pink eye the next morning. : (
my sister recommend burt bee facial scrub which i have yet to try but she loves it.
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